Betekenis van:
soil profile

soil profile
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • bodemprofiel
  • a vertical section of soil from the ground surface to the parent rock



  1. Nitrate concentration in soil profile shall be measured every year in autumn on at least 25 % of the farms benefiting from derogation.
  2. The competent authorities shall ensure the control of the results of analysis with regards to nitrate concentration in soil profile in the autumn.
  3. soil profile’ means the soil layer below ground level to a depth of 0,90 m, unless the average highest groundwater level is shallower; in this latter case it shall be to a depth of the average highest groundwater level.
  4. Monitoring sites, corresponding to at least 150 farms, shall be established in order to provide data on nitrogen and phosphorus concentration in soil water, on mineral nitrogen in soil profile and corresponding nitrogen and phosphorus losses through the root zone into groundwater, as well as on nitrogen and phosphorus losses by surface and subsurface run-off, both under derogation and non derogation conditions.
  5. The competent authority shall submit the results of the monitoring every year to the Commission, with a report on water quality evolution, evaluation of nitrate residue in soil profile in autumn for the different crops in farms benefiting from a derogation and evaluation practice.