Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • het gespecialiseerd zijn, het zich specialiseren
  • the act of specializing; making something suitable for a special purpose



Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • verdeling van taken
  • the special line of work you have adopted as your career



Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • onderdeel van een bepaald vak waarop men zich heeft gespecialiseerd
  • the special line of work you have adopted as your career



Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • specialisatie, specialisme, specialiteit
  • the special line of work you have adopted as your career



Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • specialiteit
  • the special line of work you have adopted as your career



Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • (biology) the structural adaptation of some body part for a particular function




    1. In their statements, competitors particularly stressed the specialisation of their engineers.
    2. the specialisation on semi-finished products to supply the local pipe sector
    3. Resource persons with a relevant specialisation are also sponsored by the OPCW for such meetings.
    4. These are complex and time consuming exercises, for which a high degree of specialisation is required.
    5. Finally, some investment will be carried out and special attention will be given to training and specialisation of the staff.
    6. The Commission notes, however, that the principle of specialisation has not prevented some diversification of EDF's activities.
    7. Asachi” Iași, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture), Diplomă de Arhitect, profilul Arhitectură, specializarea Arhitectură (Diploma of Architect, field of study architecture, specialisation architecture);
    8. Asachi” Iași, Faculty of Architecture), Diplomă de Arhitect, profilul Arhitectură, specializarea Arhitectură (Diploma of Architect, field of study architecture, specialisation architecture);
    9. Asachi” Iași, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture), Diplomă de Arhitect, profilul Arhitectură, specializarea Arhitectură (Diploma of Architect, field of study architecture, specialisation architecture),
    10. This specialisation, however, does not mean that Gdynia Shipyard is not in competition, at least potentially, with other yards in the EU.
    11. Institutul de Arhitectură “Ion Mincu” București, Facultatea de Arhitectură (Institute of Architecture “Ion Mincu” Bucharest, Faculty of Architecture), Diplomă de Arhitect, Specializarea Arhitectură (Diploma of Architect, specialisation Architecture);
    12. Asachi” Iași, Faculty of Architecture), Diplomă de Arhitect, profilul Arhitectură, specializarea Arhitectură (Diploma of Architect, field of study architecture, specialisation architecture).
    13. The Cypriot economy has a high degree of trade specialisation which, coupled with the country’s openness, increases its exposure to external shocks.
    14. Italy also argued that owing to its military specialisation, Aermacchi was not used to working on civilian projects, and had to adapt substantially, making additional investments.
    15. Public enterprises were subject to certain statutory constraints, such as the principle of specialisation and the ban on arbitration clauses, which disadvantaged them in relation to commercial enterprises.