Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • bebrild, gebrild
  • wearing, or having the face adorned with, eyeglasses or an eyeglass
"a bespectacled grandmother"



  1. Rio Apaporis spectacled caiman
  2. Tremarctos ornatus (I) Spectacled bear
  3. Spectacled bear Ursus arctos (I/II)
  4. Red-spectacled parrot Amazona rhodocorytha (I)
  5. Rio Apaporis spectacled caiman Caiman latirostris (I) (Except for the population of Argentina, which is included in Annex B)
  6. (Except for the species included in Annex A) Bears Ailuropoda melanoleuca (I) Giant panda Helarctos malayanus (I) Sun bear Melursus ursinus (I) Sloth bear Tremarctos ornatus (I) Spectacled bear