Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • uncastrated adult male horse





    1. [in the case of a stallion, until the animal is castrated;]
    2. or (2) [in the case of a stallion, until the animal is castrated;] (b)
    3. However, in the case of a stallion, the prohibition shall apply until the animal is castrated,
    4. However, in the case of a stallion, the prohibition shall apply until the animal is castrated;
    5. the donor stallion was not continuously resident in the collection centre or other equidae in the collection centre came into contact with equidae of lower health status than the donor stallion;
    6. In the feral or free-ranging state, equines live in herds separated into small family groups or bands typically comprising one stallion, with several mares, foals and yearlings.
    7. or [II.3.4.2. a virus isolation test for equine viral arteritis (EVA) carried out with negative result on an aliquot of the entire semen of the donor stallion;]
    8. or [II.3.6.2. a virus isolation test for equine viral arteritis carried out with negative result on an aliquot of the entire semen of the donor stallion;]
    9. or [II.4.4.2. a virus isolation test for equine viral arteritis (EVA) carried out with negative result on an aliquot of the entire semen of the donor stallion;]
    10. the donor stallion was continuously resident on the semen collection centre for at least 30 days prior to the date of the first collection and during the period of collection of the semen described above and no equidae on the semen collection centre came into direct contact with equidae of lower health status than the donor stallion;
    11. or [the non-shedder state of the seropositive stallion for equine viral arteritis was confirmed by a virus isolation test which was carried out on an aliquot of the entire semen of the donor stallion collected on … (5), being not more than one year before the semen described above was collected;]
    12. The donor stallion was continuously resident on the semen collection centre for at least 30 days prior to the date of the first collection and during the period of collection of the semen described above, and no equidae on the semen collection centre came during that time into direct contact with equidae of lower health status than the donor stallion.
    13. or [the non-shedder state of the seropositive stallion for equine viral arteritis was confirmed by a virus isolation test which was carried out not more than one year before the semen was collected on … (4);]
    14. the donor stallion was not continuously resident on the collection centre or other equidae on the collection centre came into direct contact with equidae of lower health status than the donor stallions.
    15. the donor stallion was not continuously resident in the collection centre or other equidae in the collection centre came into contact with equidae of lower health status than the donor stallion; the tests described in point II.3.6 have been carried out on samples taken on … (5) and in the case of contagious equine metritis on a second sample taken on … (5), being within the 14 days period before the first semen collection and at least at the beginning of the breeding season;