Betekenis van:
steering committee

steering committee
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • adviserende commissie, belast met beleidsvoorbereidende werkzaamheden
  • a committee to arrange the order of business for some larger (legislative) body



  1. Steering Committee
  2. Steering Committee;
  3. The Steering Committee
  4. the Technology Evaluator Steering Committee, and
  5. Procedural aspects, coordination and the Steering Committee
  6. provide academic advice and recommendations to the Steering Committee;
  7. The Advisory Board shall assist the Steering Committee and Secretariat.
  8. Each ITD Steering Committee shall be composed of:
  9. Members of the Steering Committee may be accompanied by experts.
  10. Each ITD Steering Committee shall be responsible for:
  11. ‘EPCO Steering Committee’ means the steering committee set up by the Governing Council to steer the activities of EPCO.
  12. chair the Steering Committee of the Technology Evaluator, participate as active observer to the ITD Steering Committees;
  13. The Chairmanship and the Secretariat of the EPCO Steering Committee shall be provided by the ECB;
  14. The members of the steering committee shall be nominated for the period stated in Article 3.
  15. The EPCO Steering Committee shall report via the Executive Board to the Governing Council.