Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • uit lagen bestaand
  • with one layer on top of another
"superimposed rocks"


Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • placed on or over something else



    1. She daringly superimposed herself over all of her persecutors.
    2. coils of successively superimposed layers, or
    3. The A.TR. movement certificate must not contain any erasure or superimposed correction.
    4. Angle welds may not be superimposed on butt welds and must be at least 10 mm away from them.
    5. Note 1: Pulsed "lasers" include those that run in a continuous wave (CW) mode with pulses superimposed. Note 2: Pulse-excited "lasers" include those that run in a continuously excited mode with pulse excitation superimposed.
    6. Note 1:Pulsed "lasers" include those that run in a continuous wave (CW) mode with pulses superimposed.
    7. Note 1: Pulsed "lasers" include those that run in a continuous wave (CW) mode with pulses superimposed.
    8. Note 2: Pulse-excited "lasers" include those that run in a continuously excited mode with pulse excitation superimposed.
    9. Reinforcing bar in coils takes the form of superimposed coil, which the user straightens and cuts to the desired length.
    10. N.B.: SEE ALSO 6A205. Note 1: Pulsed "lasers" include those that run in a continuous wave (CW) mode with pulses superimposed.
    11. During pressurisation, this type of cylinder design has a behaviour in which the displacements of the composite over-wrap and the metal liner are linearly superimposed.
    12. During pressurisation, this type of cylinder has a behaviour in which the displacements of the composite over-wrap and the liner are superimposed.
    13. The woven fabrics of Chapters 50 to 55 include fabrics consisting of layers of parallel textile yarns superimposed on each other at acute or right angles.
    14. The woven fabrics of Chapters 50 to 55 include fabrics consisting of layers of parallel textile yarns superimposed on each other at acute or right angles.
    15. The fitting of GSM-R in rolling stock intended for use on a line including at least a section equipped with Class A interfaces (even if superimposed to a Class B system), is mandatory in the case of: