Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • woord met dezelfde betekenis
  • two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context




  1. Is there another word for synonym?
  2. Remorse is not synonym for regret.
  3. Yellowish leafs can be synonym for plagues.
  4. "Car" is a synonym of "Automobile".
  5. Be careful! Affective dependency is not synonym for love!
  6. Emphasizing its postural lean characteristic, the term ‘tango apilado’ has often been used as a synonym for 'tango milonguero'.
  7. Synonym
  8. Galago demidoff (synonym Galago demidovii)
  9. Mantella baroni (synonym Phrynomantis maculatus)
  10. Trachypithecus phayrei (synonym Presbytis phayrei)
  11. Hexaprotodon liberiensis (synonym Choeropsis liberiensis)
  12. Lophocebus albigena (synonym Cercocebus albigena)
  13. Galagoides demidoff (synonym Galago demidovii)
  14. Trachypithecus vetulus (synonym Presbytis senex)
  15. Procolobus verus (synonym Colobus verus)