Betekenis van:
take to task


take to task


  1. He had to take over the task.
  2. The cancellation of the task of the publicly owned establishment is almost always preceded by the cancellation of a public-service task, meaning that the public authorities no longer wish to see a particular activity as representing a public-interest task that they are obliged to take over or guarantee.
  3. The cancellation of the task of the publicly owned establishment is almost always preceded by the cancellation of a public-service task, meaning that the public authorities no longer wish to see a particular activity as representing a public-interest task that they are obliged to take over or guarantee. In fact, the trend is to identify more and more activities as public services. This explains why the cancellation of public service tasks is a very rare phenomenon.
  4. The main task and commercial activity of airports is to ensure the handling of aircraft, from landing to take-off, and of passengers and cargo, so as to enable air carriers to provide air transport services.
  5. The Community action should continue to take particular account of the Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (hereinafter referred to as the FATF), which constitutes the foremost international body active in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing.
  6. DKV will carry out the task transferred to it by the Law of 2 May 1976 up to 30 September 2006; thereafter the BfB could take over its role.
  7. CEPOL may take into account recommendations made by Europol and/or the Task Force of Chiefs of Police of the Member States of the EU, without prejudice to the rules governing the adoption of the CEPOL work program.
  8. although there is no overall judicial scheme for organising the closing down of publicly owned establishments, experience shows that the legislation always provides for transferring the rights and obligations of the establishment that is to be closed down either to the State or to the body that is to take over its task.
  9. in the first scenario, the prefect refuses to take certain measures because of requirements of the public interest: these might include the need to preserve not only the existence of the regional or local authority but also the public service task.
  10. The Agency shall take care to ensure early identification of potential sources of conflict between its opinions and those of other bodies established under Community law, including Community Agencies, carrying out a similar task in relation to issues of common concern.
  11. A dietary exposure assessment was performed in the SCOOP-task 3.2.11. In view of this assessment and the opinion delivered by the SCF, it is appropriate to take measures to reduce the presence of cadmium in food as much as possible.
  12. Even though such legislation concerns only establishments with a public accountant — such as La Poste does not have — it nonetheless confirms the lessons drawn from actual practice, namely that the rights and obligations of a wound-up EPIC go either to the State or to the legal entity that will take over the establishment’s task.
  13. the strict liability scheme is, for its part, based on two scenarios, (a) in the first scenario, the prefect refuses to take certain measures because of requirements of the public interest: these might include the need to preserve not only the existence of the regional or local authority but also the public service task.
  14. In respect of the fourth condition in Altmark, the French authorities take the view that that refers to characteristics of an undertaking entrusted with a public service task fitting the description of average good management but, on the other hand, makes no reference to any requirement of minimum or average profitability of the undertaking in question.
  15. In view of the administrative complexity of this task, even using the option of deferring the deadline until 20 January, some Member States have been unable to meet their obligation to take decisions on applications for the current year by that date.