Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • meetkundige verhouding
  • a straight line or plane that touches a curve or curved surface at a point but does not intersect it at that point


Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • rechte lijn met één punt op een kromme
  • ratio of the opposite to the adjacent side of a right-angled triangle



Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • tangens
  • ratio of the opposite to the adjacent side of a right-angled triangle




  1. "Eh? Is the tangent cosine divided by sine?" "Other way round!"
  2. tangent Y
  3. 2 Tangent point
  4. This requirement must be met from the point the tangent meets the circle to a point 40 m along the tangent.
  5. The distance X between the tangent Y and the displaced reference line R1 shall be measured.
  6. The tangent Y to the spherical headform, parallel to the displaced reference line, is determined.
  7. No part of the trailer must move more than 0,5 m beyond the tangent to a circle with a radius of 25 m when towed by a vehicle leaving the circular path along the tangent while maintaining the speed of 25 km/h. This requirement must be met from the point the tangent meets the circle to a point 40 m along the tangent.
  8. The tangent S to the top of the head restraint shall be drawn perpendicular to the reference line.
  9. The tangent S to the top of the head restraint is drawn perpendicular to the reference line.
  10. The distance X, provided for in paragraph 5.11., between the tangent Y and the displaced reference line is measured.
  11. This requirement must be met from the point the tangent meets the circle to a point 40 m along the tangent. After that point the trailer shall fulfil the condition specified in paragraph 6.3.1.
  12. No part of the combination, where it penetrates the circle from a tangent, may overlap that tangent by more than 0,8 m beyond the point of intersection (see Figure 4 below).
  13. No part of the trailer shall move more than 0.5 m beyond the tangent to a circle with a radius of 25 m when towed by a vehicle leaving the circular path described in paragraph 6.3.2. along the tangent and travelling at a speed of 25 km/h. This requirement must be met from the point the tangent meets the circle to a point 40 m along the tangent.
  14. The tangent Y to the spherical head, parallel to the displaced reference line R1, shall be determined.
  15. The horizontal distance between the crown of the rail and the tangent point shall be between 33,5 and 36 mm.