Betekenis van:


  1. The thermometer reads 10C.
  2. The thermometer reads 10 degrees.
  3. The thermometer stands at 70.
  4. The thermometer read 30 then.
  5. The thermometer stood at 37 degrees centigrade.
  6. The temperature is measured by a thermometer.
  7. Tom put the thermometer under his arm.
  8. One measures the temperature by a thermometer.
  9. Tom put the thermometer on the wall.
  10. Who was the inventor of the thermometer?
  11. Tom put the thermometer in his mouth.
  12. The thermometer stood at 15 degrees.
  13. The thermometer registered minus ten last night.
  14. The thermometer went down below zero.
  15. The thermometer fell to zero lastnight.