Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • overtrek van een bed
  • a strong fabric used for mattress and pillow covers


Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • beddetijk, beddentijk
  • a strong fabric used for mattress and pillow covers


Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • kussentijk
  • a strong fabric used for mattress and pillow covers


Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • a metallic tapping sound






    1. The clock is ticking.
    2. The only sound to be heard was the ticking of the clock.
    3. It's only when I can't sleep at night that the ticking of the clock bothers me.
    4. As the room fall silent, only the ticking sound of an old clock could be heard.
    5. It's only when I can't sleep at night that the ticking of the clock becomes loud enough to bother me.
    6. The ticket clerk found baggage placed under a bench in the hall, and the ticking sound inside it made him worried.
    7. Ticking
    8. This requirement does not apply to mattress ticking, mattress protection or underwear.
    9. Indicate (by ticking in the relevant box(es)) if the confiscation order concerns:
    10. Indicate (by ticking in the relevant box(es)) if the confiscation order concerns: an amount of money
    11. It should be noted that ticking NOx implies that the station is sited at a location where the limit value for vegetation applies.
    12. However, if the request is particularly urgent, please indicate any earlier deadline and the reason for this by ticking the relevant box:
    13. To the extent that the offence(s) identified under point 2 above constitute(s) one or more of the following offences, confirm that by ticking the relevant box(es):
    14. The Member State should use the columns headed by ‘O3’, ‘NO2’ and ‘NOx’ for indicating whether the measurement is used for assessment under Directive 2002/3/EC, ticking with ‘y’ if used and leaving the cell empty if not used.
    15. The applicant must complete all fields either by ticking the appropriate box (more than one answer is possible) or filling in the specific characteristics and values of the radioactive waste or spent fuel.