Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • not castrated


    1. carcases of other uncastrated male animals: R3;
    2. ‘bull’ means an uncastrated male bovine animal;
    3. carcasses of other uncastrated male animals;
    4. carcasses of uncastrated young male animals of less than two years of age;
    5. carcases of uncastrated young male animals of less than two years of age: U2, U3, R2, R3, O2, O3;
    6. This Decision provides for guarantees that uncastrated male horses older than 180 days do not pose a risk as regards equine viral arteritis.
    7. A derogation from those requirements should therefore be provided for uncastrated male registered horses temporarily admitted to participate in those sporting events.
    8. For the application of point A(II) of Annex V to Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007, carcases of uncastrated young male animals of less than two years of age (category A) and carcases of other uncastrated male animals (category B) shall be distinguished by the animal’s age.
    9. The development of such methods will encourage farmers to raise uncastrated animals and establish reliable and consistent data for further development of different alternatives to surgical castration (immunocastration, in particular).
    10. The test results certified by the laboratory shall be attached to the animal health certificate accompanying the animal.(9) Only in the case of uncastrated males older than 180 days, from a territory that has not been free for six months from equine viral arteritis (EVA).(10) Date of loading.
    11. the uncastrated rams have been kept continuously during the previous 60 days in a holding where no case of contagious epididymitis (Brucella ovis) has been diagnosed in the last 12 months and, these rams have undergone during the previous 30 days a complement fixation test to detect contagious epididymitis with a result of less than 50 IU/ml;]
    12. The products listed in Annex II to this Regulation and falling within the following categories defined in Article 4(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1183/2006 [5] may be bought in:(a) meat of uncastrated young male animals of less than two years of age (category A);
    13. By way of derogation from Article 1 of Decision 92/260/EEC and Article 6(a) of Decision 2004/211/EC, Member States shall authorise the temporary admission of uncastrated male registered horses which do not meet the requirement for equine viral arteritis provided for in point (e)(v) of Section III of the specimen certificates ‘A’ to ‘E’ set out in Annex II to Decision 92/260/EEC, provided these horses are:
    14. The common veterinary entry document issued in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 282/2004 in conjunction with certification for the movement of such horses from the Member State of first destination to other Member States (‘onward certification’), is the most suitable instrument to ensure that uncastrated male registered horses temporarily admitted under specific conditions as regards equine viral arteritis leave the European Union within a period of less than 90 days following their entry and without delay following the end of the equestrian events in which they participated.
    15. either [(c) all ovine or caprine animals have not been vaccinated against this disease, save those vaccinated with Rev. 1 vaccine more than two years ago;(d) the last two tests (14) , separated by an interval of at least six months, carried out the … (date) and the … (date) on all ovine and caprine animals over six months of age gave negative results; and](5) or [ (c) ovine or caprine animals under the age of 7 months are vaccinated against this disease with Rev. 1 vaccine;(d) the last two tests (14) , separated by an interval of at least six months, carried out:- the … (date) and the … (date) on all non-vaccinated ovine and caprine animals over six months of age, and- the … (date) and the … (date) on all vaccinated ovine and caprine animals over 18 months of agegave negative results, and](e) there are only ovine and caprine animals that fulfil at least the above conditions and requirements; ](5) [ 10.6.B. the uncastrated rams have been kept continuously during the previous 60 days in a holding where no case of contagious epididymitis (Brucella ovis) has been diagnosed in the last 12 months and, these rams have undergone during the previous 30 days a complement fixation test to detect contagious epididymitis with a result of less than 50 IU/ml; ]10.6.C.