Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • taalkundige term
  • not precisely limited, determined, or distinguished
"an undefined term"
"undefined authority"



Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • redenering
  • not precisely limited, determined, or distinguished
"an undefined term"
"undefined authority"



  1. If you divide any number by zero, the result is undefined.
  3. Undefined field
  4. Service spaces (low risk) undefined
  5. Undefined, If direction = R (request)
  6. further recommendations concerning undefined legal terms.
  7. further guidance concerning undefined legal terms.
  8. the entity intends to hold the financial asset for an undefined period;
  9. From that date on, according to Article 2 of this Agreement, the company leased the assets it used for an undefined period of time.
  10. Further, according to Article 2 of this Agreement, the company leased the assets it used as of 1 January 2004 for an undefined period of time for which it would pay a monthly lease established in accordance with market prices.
  11. From that date on, according to Article 2 of this Agreement, the company leased the assets it used for an undefined period of time. The monthly lease for the assets [28] is ISK […].
  12. either the passing beam or the driving beam shall always be obtained, without any possibility of remaining in an intermediate or undefined state; if this is not possible, such a state must comply with the provisions of paragraph 5.7.3. below;
  13. Where the workstation(s) are undefined or cannot be defined, A-weighted sound pressure levels must be measured at a distance of 1 metre from the surface of the machinery and at a height of 1,6 metres from the floor or access platform.
  14. The assets sold to the Treasury were delivered to it with effect as of 1 January 2004. From that date on, according to Article 2 of this Agreement, the company leased the assets it used for an undefined period of time.
  15. Although, as found above, those measures are still applicable after accession, and the Czech Republic may thereby yet grant aid whose nature and amount is substantially undefined, this would be done pursuant to measures adopted whilst the 1994 Guidelines were still in force and it is therefore appropriate to consider them in the light of the 1994 Guidelines [22].