Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • het onderstrepen
  • a line drawn underneath (especially under written matter)



to underline
  • een streep zetten onder
  • give extra weight to (a communication)



to underline
    • draw a line or lines underneath to call attention to




    1. (please underline the corresponding answer)
    2. (please underline the corresponding answer(s).
    3. In order to underline this point, the Belgian authorities draw the Commission’s attention to:
    4. We wish to underline, however, that our concerns regarding the situation in your country remain.
    5. The sale would underline the joint wish for a durable restructuring of the Bank.
    6. Such an access point would increase its visibility and underline common features.
    7. Use of different fonts, italics, bold, underline, etc. to distinguish portions of the text.
    8. What kind of activities took place in the reporting period? (please underline the corresponding answer(s).
    9. How often did the ILOs meet in the reported period? (please underline the corresponding answer.)
    10. Good index. Use of different fonts, italics, bold, underline, etc. to distinguish portions of the text.
    11. It is considered that these Articles underline the ‘stand alone’ importance of the reporting obligation.
    12. Indeed, not just Poland but also LNM have given undertakings (see points 78 and point 105) to underline these assurances,
    13. Has a cooperation network been constituted in accordance with Article 4 of the Regulation? (please underline the corresponding answer)
    14. Finally, the Netherlands underline that disparities are inherent in the concurrent existence of non-harmonised tax systems.
    15. The Italian authorities underline the importance and impact of the disasters which struck the region where the shipyard is located.