Betekenis van:
Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
- niet bruikbaar
- not capable of being carried out or put into practice
"a suggested reform that was unfeasible in the prevailing circumstances"
Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
- niet werkbaar
- not capable of being carried out or put into practice
"a suggested reform that was unfeasible in the prevailing circumstances"
- For such vehicles it is considered that the upper leg test requirements of this Directive may be technically unfeasible.
- At the same time, the depth of the contraction in the economy that can now be expected makes the achievement of the initial deficit reduction path unfeasible.
- If flying over these areas is unavoidable, then an altitude of at least 1000 ft (approx. 300 m) must be maintained, except in situations where this is unfeasible due to safety considerations. Section 2
- If flying over these areas is unavoidable, then an altitude of at least 1000 ft (approx. 300 m) must be maintained, except in situations where this is unfeasible due to safety considerations.
- Indeed, if the Commission had been of the opinion that the yard was unable to obtain loans amounting to at least GRD 4,67 billion, it should have indicated that the restructuring plan was unfeasible and should have prohibited the large amounts of restructuring aid (including the investment aid). In conclusion, the Commission can not contradict these two earlier assessments in the present Decision.
- Indeed, if the Commission had been of the opinion that the yard was unable to obtain loans amounting to at least GRD 4,67 billion, it should have indicated that the restructuring plan was unfeasible and should have prohibited the large amounts of restructuring aid (including the investment aid).