Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • gezondheidszorg als bedrijfstak
  • activity involved in maintaining something in good working order




Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • levensonderhoud; zorg voor levensbehoeften; levensonderhoud; essentiële zaken voor bestaan
  • the act of sustaining life by food or providing a means of subsistence



Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • het in goede staat houden van zaken
  • activity involved in maintaining something in good working order




Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • voedende waarde van voedsel
  • the act of sustaining life by food or providing a means of subsistence



Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • onderhoudswerkzaamheden, onderhoudswerk
  • activity involved in maintaining something in good working order





  1. upkeep of traffic signs, road markings, etc.
  2. Cleaning/upkeep of external facilities, winter service
  3. the upkeep and maintenance of their IMS stations,
  4.  the upkeep of the landscape and historical features on agricultural land;
  5. Expenditure in respect of the upkeep of road surfaces (heading B 20)
  6. upkeep and management in accordance with the ecological needs of habitats inside and outside the protected zones;
  7. These costs concern post office maintenance, e.g. rent, energy, equipment, upkeep and maintenance of buildings, taxation and charges.
  8. The only organisation able to make modifications to these rules shall be the entity responsible for the upkeep of Annexes A, B and C to this TSI.
  9. It includes both expenditure in respect of repairs to the surface for flexible pavements and expenditure in respect of the upkeep of sections for rigid pavements.
  10. in 2006, they accounted for […] of PP’s total costs. These costs concern post office maintenance, e.g. rent, energy, equipment, upkeep and maintenance of buildings, taxation and charges.
  11. Current expenditure comprises the total expenditure (in respect of staff, and goods and services provided by third parties) in connection with the upkeep and operation of infrastructure.
  12. The provisions of this Directive which relate to investment in road safety should apply without prejudice to the Member States’ powers as regards investment in the upkeep of the road network.
  13. The only organisation able to make modifications to these rules shall be the ERA, which is responsible for the timely upkeep of Annexes A, B and C to this TSI.
  14. The General Child Benefit Act (Algemene Kinderbijslagwet) and the Regulations governing contributions towards the upkeep of physically disabled children living at home 2000 (Regeling tegemoetkoming onderhoudskosten thuiswonende gehandicapte kinderen 2000, TOG):
  15. Moreover, the user industry has pointed out that the Polish frozen strawberry production is essential to the fruit-processing industry and measures assisting in the upkeep of a viable Community production would ultimately also benefit the user industry.