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upper side
- If you're at all wishy-washy during a negotiation the other side will pick up on it and get the upper hand.
- Looking for the first time for the possibility to find a sentence by its number, I was a bit confused. But soon I realized: I first have to click on a single sentence, then I see the search bar on the upper right side of the screen.
- the upper side of the tail lamp bracket is less than 1600 mm above rail level.
- ‘roof’ means the upper part of the vehicle extending from the upper edge of the windscreen to the upper edge of the rear window and bounded at the sides by the upper framework of the side-walls; (see Annex X, explanatory notes, paragraph 2.5); 2.6. ‘belt line’ means the line constituted by the transparent lower contour of the side windows of the vehicle;
- ‘roof’ means the upper part of the vehicle extending from the upper edge of the windscreen to the upper edge of the rear window and bounded at the sides by the upper framework of the side-walls; (see Annex X, explanatory notes, paragraph 2.5);
- The upper legform impactor shall be rigid, foam-covered at the impact side, and 350 ± 5 mm long and comply with Figure 2.
- By application of pressure from a nitrogen line to the side-arm, transfer the upper light petroleum-layer to a 1000 ml separating funnel (4.2.3).
- The value of 5° given for the dead angle of visibility to the rear of the side direction-indicator is an upper limit. d ≤ 2,50 m.
- .8 Margin line is a line drawn at least 76 mm below the upper surface of the bulkhead deck at side.
- Devices may be attached to the upper side of the cod-end provided that they do not obstruct the meshes of the cod-end.
- ‘Side reference line’ means the geometric trace of the highest points of contact between a straight edge 700 mm long and the side of a vehicle, when the straight edge, held parallel to a transverse vertical plane of the vehicle and inclined inwards by 45° is traversed down the side and maintains contact with the sides of the frontal upper surface (see Figure 12);
- ‘Other parts’ shall include such parts as window catches, seat belt upper anchorages and other parts located in the foot space and at the door side, unless these parts have been treated previously or are exempted in the text.
- each animal is actively marked with an injectable electronic identifier (transponder) complying with the ISO 11784 and ISO 11785 standards and injected in the upper-central part of the left side of the neck;
- The value of 5° given for dead angle of visibility to the rear of the side direction-indicator is an upper limit. d ≤ 1,80 m (for M1 and N1 category vehicles d ≤ 2,50 m).
- The ICNAF-type topside chafer is a rectangular piece of netting to be attached to the upper side of the codend of the trawl net to reduce and prevent damage so long as such netting conforms to the following conditions: