Betekenis van:
vegetable soup

vegetable soup
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • Italiaanse groentesoep
  • soup made with a variety of vegetables



vegetable soup
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • soep met voornamelijk groenten
  • soup made with a variety of vegetables




  1. She cooked vegetable soup for us.
  2. This morning Tom had vegetable soup.
  3. Tom ate vegetable soup this morning.
  4. She cooked vegetable soup last night.
  5. Gazpacho is a cold tomato and vegetable soup from Spain.
  6. Food prepared at home on basis of fresh ingredients (e.g. vegetable soup with fresh vegetables, home-made Irish stew) are not subject of this monitoring programme.
  7. Food prepared at home on basis of fresh ingredients (e.g. vegetable soup made with fresh vegetables, home-made Irish stew) should not be subject to this monitoring programme as the effects of home cooking practices on furan levels in foodstuffs could be better explored in a research project.