Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • snelheid van rijden
  • distance travelled per unit time





  1. Light travels at a velocity of 186,000 miles per second.
  2. The velocity of light is about 186,000 miles per second.
  3. The derivatives of space with respect to time are velocity, acceleration, and jerk.
  4. The derivatives of distance with respect to time are velocity, acceleration, and jerk.
  5. Application of force to an object changes its velocity: its speed, its direction, or both.
  6. Current velocity:
  7. Velocity on collision
  8. Doppler radar velocity data;
  9. Vehicle longitudinal velocity, vx;
  10. Sound velocity analyzers
  11. Current Velocity (knots)
  12. V Velocity [m/s]
  13. Impact velocity (m/s)
  14. Average current velocity
  15. V Required Velocity (m/s)