Betekenis van:
visual acuity

visual acuity
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • sharpness of vision; the visual ability to resolve fine detail (usually measured by a Snellen chart)





    1. Aided or unaided distance visual acuity 1.0 (binocularly); at least 0.5 for the worse eye.
    2. Aided or unaided distance visual acuity 1,0 (binocularly); at least 0,5 for the worse eye.
    3. Aided or unaided distance visual acuity: 0,8 (right eye + left eye — measured separately); Minimum of 0,3 for the worse eye.
    4. Aided or unaided distance visual acuity: 0.8 (right eye + left eye — measured separately); Minimum of 0.3 for the worse eye.
    5. Aided or unaided distance visual acuity: 0.8 (right eye + left eye — measured separately); Minimum of 0.3 for the worse eye. Maximum corrective lenses: hypermetropia +5/myopia –8.
    6. At this examination attention shall be paid the following in particular: visual acuity, field of vision, twilight vision and progressive eye diseases.
    7. All applicants for a driving licence shall undergo an appropriate investigation to ensure that they have adequate visual acuity for driving power-driven vehicles.
    8. At this examination attention shall be paid, in particular, to the following: visual acuity, field of vision, twilight vision, glare and contrast sensitivity, diplopia and other visual functions that can compromise safe driving.
    9. Applicants for a driving licence or for the renewal of such a licence shall have a visual acuity, with corrective lenses if necessary, of at least 0,8 in the better eye and at least 0,1 in the worse eye.
    10. Applicants for a driving licence or for the renewal of such a licence shall have a binocular visual acuity, with corrective lenses if necessary, of at least 0,5 when using both eyes together.
    11. Applicants for a driving licence or for the renewal of such a licence must have a visual acuity, with corrective lenses if necessary, of at least 0,8 in the better eye and at least 0,5 in the worse eye.
    12. For group 1 drivers, licensing may be considered in “exceptional cases” where the visual field standard or visual acuity standard cannot be met; in such cases the driver should undergo examination by a competent medical authority to demonstrate that there is no other impairment of visual function, including glare, contrast sensitivity and twilight vision.
    13. Applicants for a driving licence, or for the renewal of such a licence, who have total functional loss of vision in one eye or who use only one eye (e.g. in the case of diplopia) must have a visual acuity of at least 0,5, with corrective lenses if necessary.
    14. In addition, the Authority concluded that the consumption of baby foods/formula supplemented with DHA and ARA from six months to one year of age might have a beneficial effect on visual acuity maturation in infants breast-fed until the age of 4-6 months.
    15. Applicants for a driving licence, or for the renewal of such a licence, who have total functional loss of vision in one eye or who use only one eye (e.g. in the case of diplopia) must have a visual acuity of at least 0,6, with corrective lenses if necessary.