Betekenis van:
wagon train

wagon train
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • verzamelde voertuigen v.h. leger
  • a procession (of wagons or mules or camels) traveling together in single file
"they joined the wagon train for safety"




  1. train and wagon braking system
  2. train number (only if the wagon is in a train),
  3. The infrastructure manager train database corresponds to the railway undertaking wagon movement database.
  4. Location and train estimated time as a basis for wagon/shipment related ETI/ETA calculation available.
  5. Knowing the location of a wagon within the IM's infrastructure, and which RU is responsible, even if the wagon is not in a train.
  6. Knowing the location of a wagon within the IM's infrastructure, and which RU is responsible, even if the wagon is not in a train. Advantage:
  7. The Wagon Interchange Notices and the Wagon Interchange Notices/Sub as well as the wagon received messages may be transferred as a list for various wagons, especially if these wagons are all within one train.
  8. For each wagon the Lead RU (RU acting as service integrator) must establish and update a trip plan which corresponds to the train path at train level.
  9. The wagon information part of the train composition message is relevant for checking the train composition against the IM/RU path-contract and in cases of exceptions.
  10. For each wagon the Lead RU establishes and updates a trip plan which corresponds to the train path at train level.
  11. Isolating the brake of a wagon with excessive deceleration rate compared to the remainder of the train.
  12. This infrastructure manager train database corresponds to the movement part of the Wagon and Intermodal Unit Operational Database.
  13. In the intermodal transport business at various points (called gateways) a wagon is not only connected to another train, but also the intermodal unit may be moved from one wagon to another.
  14. But from the running advice of the train at a reporting point, the wagon or Intermodal unit related information regarding location and date and time of arrival and departure must be processed and stored in the wagon movement database.
  15. Therefore an RU, which communicates with the IMs at train level, must break down this information into wagon and intermodal unit related one.