Betekenis van:
to waive
- do without or cease to hold or adhere to
- He may not waive this entitlement.
- Subject: Waive of certain indications in the transport document (n2).
- He shall report his intention to waive an established amount receivable to the management board.
- Member States may waive the imposition of penalties of EUR 100 or less per export declaration.
- Member States shall waive all claims for the reimbursement of expenses incurred in applying this Regulation.
- For non‐hazardous non‐inert waste, Member States may reduce or waive certain requirements.
- Member States may waive this requirement where other satisfactory consignments tracing systems are in place.
- The Commission or its representative may waive the right to make such reservation before the expiry of that period.
- Following the Commission's request made on 21 May, this third party agreed to waive the confidentiality of its comments.
- These measures should make it possible to waive all quantitative restrictions at the external frontiers of the Community.
- Where the authorising officer by delegation is planning to waive or partially waive recovery of an established amount receivable, he/she shall ensure that the waiver is in order and complies with the principles of sound financial management and proportionality.
- Member States may waive the requirement in paragraph 1(b) for projects referred to in Article 42(1).
- they waive all claims in respect of the quality and characteristics of any alcohol awarded to them;
- They may also waive it in respect of those shares which are included in an investment firm's trading book.
- The Chairman may in exceptional cases waive the above time limits at the reasoned request of the Bank.