Betekenis van:
waste of money

waste of money
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • tegenvallende aankoop
  • money spent for inadequate return
"the senator said that the project was a waste of money"


waste of money
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • het nutteloos geld spenderen
  • money spent for inadequate return
"the senator said that the project was a waste of money"



  1. It's a waste of time and money.
  2. What a fearful waste of money!
  3. That's a waste of time and money.
  4. That's just a waste of taxpayer money.
  5. The waste of time and money is incredible.
  6. This day was just a waste of time and money.
  7. No one can determine the amount of money we waste in a year.
  8. It was foolish of him to waste his money on such trifles.