Betekenis van:
to withhold
- korten; korten op betaling
- retain and refrain from disbursing; of payments
"My employer is withholding taxes"
to withhold
- hold back; refuse to hand over or share
"The father is withholding the allowance until the son cleans his room"
- Reasons to withhold information or intelligence
- to withhold in whole or in part the resettlement allowance provided for in Article 63(2).
- aeroplanes whose operations are of such an exceptional nature that it would be unreasonable to withhold a temporary exemption;
- Under FOIA, any requester has the authority to administratively and judicially challenge CBP’s decision to withhold information (see 5 U.S.C.
- At no time did the company try to report incorrect information or attempt to withhold any information requested.
- The financial control shall withhold its approval if it considers that the above conditions are not fulfilled.
- an interested party, which, pursuant to Article 6(2) of the Council Regulation (EC) No 659/1999 [18], requested the Commission to withhold its identity.
- In addition, HSY was supposed to withhold these amounts under the terms of the agreements concluded between ETVA, HSY, the association of the employees and each individual employee.
- The non-variable component of remuneration should be sufficient to allow the company to withhold variable components of remuneration when performance criteria are not met.
- KLM emphasises that it was not its intention to withhold that information from the Commission and that the seriousness of its administrative error is exaggerated by the Commission.
- Apart from the threat to withhold travel content via ‘’, TSPs have developed an additional tool to put pressure on GDSs.
- Where the person concerned fails to fulfil his duties, the Executive Director has the right to terminate or suspend the contract or withhold remuneration.
- These constraints would in particular stem from the possibility of TSPs to withhold content and make this content only available via a direct distribution channel such as ‘’.
- The cure of the paint is performed at very high temperatures (80 to 122 oC) which requires adjacent spaces to remain unpainted if they cannot withhold these temperatures.
- The counterparty shall assume any and all responsibility for notifying the debtor of any transfer of the beneficial ownership of the loan asset to the NCB that results in the debtor being required to withhold UK tax (or to withhold UK tax at a different rate).