Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • jongere in een extreme subcultuur




  1. Brucellinetest (Brucellosis Skin Test, BST)
  2. Skin Corr. 1B; H314: C ≥ 5 %
  3. Besmettelijke nodulaire dermatose (lumpy skin disease)
  4. In vitro skin corrosion: transcutaneous electrical resistance test (TER).
  5. Calf Skin Extract is een extract gewonnen uit runderhuid
  6. Validation of the EpiSkin Skin Irritation Test — 42 hours assay for the prediction of acute skin irritation of chemicals.
  7. V (2007). ECVAM international validation study on in vitro tests for acute skin irritation: Selection of test chemicals.
  8. Worth, A.P., Fentem, J.H., Balls, M., Botham, P.A., Curren, R.D., Earl, L.K., Esdaile, D.J., Liebsch, M. (1998). Evaluation of the proposed OECD Testing Strategy for skin corrosion.
  9. Spielmann, H., Hoffmann, S., Liebsch, M., Botham, P., Fentem, J., Eskes, C., Roguet, R., Cotovió, J., Cole, T., Worth, A., Heylings, J., Jones, P., Robles, C., Kandárová, H., Gamer, A., Remmele, M., Curren, R., Raabe, H., Cockshott, A., Gerner, I. en Zuang, V. (2007). The ECVAM international validation study on in vitro tests for acute skin irritation: Report on the validity of the EPISKIN and EpiDerm assays and on the skin integrity function test.
  10. Kandárová, H., Liebsch, M., Gerner, I., Schmidt, E., Genschow, E., Traue, D. en Spielmann H. (2005). The EpiDerm test protocol for the upcoming ECVAM validation study on in vitro skin irritation tests — an assessment of the performance of the optimised test.