Betekenis van:
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- jongere in een extreme subcultuur
- Brucellinetest (Brucellosis Skin Test, BST)
- Skin Corr. 1B; H314: C ≥ 5 %
- Besmettelijke nodulaire dermatose (lumpy skin disease)
- In vitro skin corrosion: transcutaneous electrical resistance test (TER).
- Calf Skin Extract is een extract gewonnen uit runderhuid
- Validation of the EpiSkin Skin Irritation Test — 42 hours assay for the prediction of acute skin irritation of chemicals.
- V (2007). ECVAM international validation study on in vitro tests for acute skin irritation: Selection of test chemicals.
- Worth, A.P., Fentem, J.H., Balls, M., Botham, P.A., Curren, R.D., Earl, L.K., Esdaile, D.J., Liebsch, M. (1998). Evaluation of the proposed OECD Testing Strategy for skin corrosion.
- Spielmann, H., Hoffmann, S., Liebsch, M., Botham, P., Fentem, J., Eskes, C., Roguet, R., Cotovió, J., Cole, T., Worth, A., Heylings, J., Jones, P., Robles, C., Kandárová, H., Gamer, A., Remmele, M., Curren, R., Raabe, H., Cockshott, A., Gerner, I. en Zuang, V. (2007). The ECVAM international validation study on in vitro tests for acute skin irritation: Report on the validity of the EPISKIN and EpiDerm assays and on the skin integrity function test.
- Kandárová, H., Liebsch, M., Gerner, I., Schmidt, E., Genschow, E., Traue, D. en Spielmann H. (2005). The EpiDerm test protocol for the upcoming ECVAM validation study on in vitro skin irritation tests — an assessment of the performance of the optimised test.