Vertaling van Stand
ich stand
er/sie/es stand
I stood
he/she/it stood
» meer vervoegingen van to stand
Voorbeelden in zinsverband
Er stand.
He was standing.
Er stand hinter mir.
He stood behind me.
Er stand abseits.
He stood aloof.
Tom stand taumelnd auf.
Tom staggered to his feet.
Daraufhin stand er auf.
At that, he stood up.
Er stand auf.
He stood up.
Sie stand auf.
She stood up.
Der Mann stand auf.
The man stood up.
Er stand an der Tür.
He was standing at the door.
Der Karren stand im Schuppen.
The cart was under the shed.
Tony stand an der Tür.
Tony stood at the door.
Der Junge stand am Ende.
The boy stood on end.
Er stand in Hemdsärmeln da.
He was in his shirt sleeves.
Er stand hinter der Tür.
He was standing behind the door.
Das Haus stand in Flammen.
The house was in flames.