Vertaling van as to


as regards, as to, concerning, relevantly {bw.}

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


I was curious as to the result.

Ich war neugierig auf das Ergebnis.

Please be so kind as to ....

Bitte seien Sie so freundlich und...

As to the source of this statement, I know nothing.

Woher diese Aussage kommt, weiß ich nicht.

She worked hard so as to pass the test.

Sie gab alles, um den Test zu bestehen.

I spoke so loudly as to be heard by everyone.

Ich sprach so laut, damit mich alle hören sollen.

He nodded as much as to say that he agreed.

Er nickte so oft um zu sagen, dass er zugestimmt hat.

I'm not so fine as to take care of others.

Mir ist es nicht so gut, dass ich andere betreuen kann.

He went so far as to call me a fool.

Er ging soweit, mich einen Idioten zu nennen.

Her illness is not such as to cause anxiety.

Ihre Krankheit ist nicht Besorgnis erregend.

He was careless as to leave the door open.

Er war so unvorsichtig, die Tür offen zu lassen.

We differed as to the solution to the problem.

Wir waren unterschiedlicher Meinung, was die Lösung des Problems anging.

I don't know anything as to his past.

Ich weiß nichts von seiner Vergangenheit.

He worked hard so as to save more money.

Er arbeitete hart, um mehr Geld beiseite legen zu können.

She was so kind as to lend me some money.

Sie war so nett, mir Geld zu leihen.

I was at a loss as to what to do.

Ich wusste nicht was ich machen sollte.

Gerelateerd aan as to

as regards - concerning - relevantly