Vertaling van as well as


apart from, besides, except, except for, in addition to, as well as, aside from {vz.}
and ... as well, and also, as well as, together with {bw.}

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


He as well as you likes baseball.

Er mag Baseball, genau wie du.

Jill is smart as well as pretty.

Jill ist sowohl schlau als auch hübsch.

I can swim as well as you.

Ich kann genauso gut schwimmen wie Sie.

Men don't drive as well as women.

Viroj stiras malpli bone ol virinoj.

She was intelligent as well as beautiful.

Sie war so intelligent, wie sie schön war.

Women don't drive as well as men.

Frauen fahren nicht so gut wie Männer.

Tony speaks English as well as you.

Tony spricht so gut Englisch wie du.

He gave me clothes as well as food.

Er gab mir sowohl etwas zum Anziehen als auch etwas zu essen.

Tom wishes he could speak French as well as Mary.

Tom wünschte, er könnte so gut Französisch wie Maria.

His daughter, as well as his son, were famous.

Seine Tochter, genauso wie sein Sohn, waren berühmt.

I speak French as well as she does.

Ich spreche so gut Französisch wie sie.

She as well as her friends is fond of music.

Genau wie ihre Freunde mag sie gerne Musik.

Tom can speak French almost as well as Mary can.

Tom kann fast genauso gut Französisch sprechen wie Mary.

I don't play tennis as well as I used to.

Ich spiele nicht mehr so gut Tennis wie früher.

He is at home in phonetics as well as linguistics.

Er ist sowohl mit Phonetik wie mit Linguistik bestens vertraut.