Vertaling van bid


to ask, to ask for, to beg, to bid, to request, to apply, to seek, to apply for {ww.}

I bid
you bid
we bid

ich bitte
du bittest
wir bitten
» meer vervoegingen van bitten

Why don't we ask for his advice?
Warum bitten wir keinen Rat von ihm?
You should ask for permission first.
Du solltest erst um Erlaubnis bitten.
offer, bid, proposition, tender {zn.}
Offerte [v] (die ~)
Anerbieten [o] (das ~)
request, application, appeal, bid, petition, plea {zn.}
Bitte [v] (die ~)
Gesuch [o] (das ~)
Ersuchen [o] (das ~)
Ansuchen [o] (das ~)
God, hear my plea.
Gott, höre meine Bitte.
The student made a reasonable request.
Der Student machte ein vernünftiges Gesuch.
attempt, test, bid, rehearsal, shot, trial, try {zn.}
Versuch [m] (der ~)
Prüfung [v] (die ~)
Probe [v] (die ~)
The attempt failed.
Der Versuch misslang.
This attempt resulted in failure.
Dieser Versuch war gescheitert.
offer, proposal, presentation, tender, bid, proposition, advance {zn.}
Antrag [m] (der ~)
Gebot [o] (das ~)
Anerbieten [o] (das ~)
I accept this proposal.
Ich nehme diesen Antrag an.
She refused his proposal.
Sie lehnte seinen Antrag ab.

Gerelateerd aan bid

ask - ask for - beg - request - apply - seek - apply for - offer - proposition - tender - application - appeal - petition - plea - attempt