Vertaling van gist


essence, gist {zn.}
Wesen [o] (das ~)
Kern [m] (der ~)
Wesentliche [o] (das ~)
Hauptinhalt [m] (der ~)
Wesenheit [v] (die ~)
Substanz [v] (die ~)
Essenz [v] (die ~)
The essence of liberty is mathematics.
Das Wesen der Freiheit liegt in der Mathematik.
Freedom is the essence of mathematics.
Das Wesen der Mathematik liegt in ihrer Freiheit.
core, kernel, nucleus, pit, gist, heart, nub, pith, stone {zn.}
Kern [m] (der ~)
This is the core of the problem.
Dies ist der Kern des Problems.
His words pierced to the heart of the matter.
Seine Worte trafen den Kern der Sache.

Gerelateerd aan gist

essence - core - kernel - nucleus - pit - heart - nub - pith - stone