Vertaling van sake


beneficence, boon, charity, good, sake, welfare {zn.}
Wohltat [v] (die ~)

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Let's have sake.

Lass uns Sake trinken.

Art for art's sake.

Kunst um der Kunst willen.

Cheap sake makes you sick.

Von billigem Sake wird einem schlecht.

Tofu goes well with sake.

Tofu passt gut zu Sake.

Let's take a picture for memory's sake.

Lass uns ein Foto als Erinnerung machen.

This dish goes very well with sake.

Dieses Gericht passt sehr gut zu Sake.

He did it only for my sake.

Er tat es nur mir zuliebe.

Tofu is a good accompaniment for sake.

Tofu passt gut zu Sake.

For goodness' sake, don't say that!

Um Himmels willen: sag das nicht!

She did so for her own sake, not for your sake.

Sie tat es ihretwegen, nicht deinetwegen.

For goodness' sake, please be nice to him.

Um Gottes Willen, sei bitte nett zu ihm.

Tom did it for the sake of his country.

Tom tat es um seines Landes willen.

He stopped smoking for the sake of his health.

Um seiner Gesundheit willen hörte er auf zu rauchen.

We study the past for the sake of the future.

Wir studieren die Vergangenheit um der Zukunft willen.

For God's sake don't tell it to anyone.

Um Gottes willen, sag das niemandem!

Gerelateerd aan sake

beneficence - boon - charity - good - welfare