Vertaling van tackle


to approach, to deal with, to tackle {ww.}

I tackle
you tackle
we tackle

ich trete heran
du trittst heran
wir treten heran
» meer vervoegingen van herantreten

to drop, to overthrow, to down, to tackle {ww.}

I tackle
you tackle
we tackle

ich falle
du fällst
wir fallen
» meer vervoegingen van fallen

Are you going to cut down all the trees here?
Hast du vor alle Bäume hier zu fällen?
to treat, to address, to handle, to tackle {ww.}

I tackle
you tackle
we tackle

ich behandle
du behandelst
wir behandeln
» meer vervoegingen van behandeln

Please treat the cat well.
Bitte behandeln Sie die Katze gut!
It is cruel of him to ill-treat pets.
Es ist grausam von ihm, Haustiere schlecht zu behandeln.
fittings, kit, tackle, trimmings, accoutrements {zn.}
Satz [m] (der ~)
Besteck [o] (das ~)
Garnitur [v] (die ~)

Gerelateerd aan tackle

approach - deal with - drop - overthrow - down - treat - address - handle - fittings - kit - trimmings - accoutrements