Vertaling van a pity


regrettable, sad, unfortunate, a pity, a shame {bn.}
to have compassion on, to pity {ww.}

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


What a pity!

¡Qué lástima!

What a pity you can't dance!

¡Qué pena que no sepas bailar!

What a pity she can't come!

¡Qué lástima que no pueda venir!

It's a pity they're getting divorced.

Es una lástima que se divorcien.

It's a pity that you can't come.

Es una lástima que no puedas venir.

It's a pity when somebody dies.

Es una pena cuando alguien muere.

It is a pity that he can't come.

Es una pena que él no pueda venir.

It's a pity no one here studies Belarusian.

Es una pena que nadie aquí estudie bielorruso.

It's a pity that you don't know that.

Es una lástima que no lo sepas.

It is a pity that the singer died so young.

Es una lástima que el cantante murió tan joven.

It's a pity you didn't come last night.

¡Es lástima que usted no haya venido anoche!

It's a pity that he should be ill in bed.

Es una pena que él deba permanecer en cama enfermo.

It's a pity that Mary has no sense of humor.

Es una lástima que Mary no tenga sentido del humor.

It's a pity that I have no ear for music.

Es una pena que no tenga oído para la música.

It's a pity that he had died so young.

Es una pena que haya muerto tan joven.

Gerelateerd aan a pity

regrettable - sad - unfortunate - a shame - have compassion on - pity