Vertaling van accomplished


accomplished {bn.}
bien educado
able, competent, accomplished, capable, efficient, skilled {bn.}
adroit, able, proficient, capable, handy, skilful, skilled, smart, adept, accomplished, apt {bn.}
experienced, expert, accomplished, adept, conversant, skilled {bn.}
gifted, talented, accomplished {bn.}
to accomplish, to attain, to get, to reach, to achieve, to arrive at {ww.}

I accomplished
you accomplished
he/she/it accomplished

yo conseguí
él/ella consiguió
» meer vervoegingen van conseguir

He never seemed to accomplish anything.
Él jamás parecía lograr nada.
I need to get one.
Necesito conseguir uno.
to achieve, to act out, to carry through, to conduct, to implement, to secure, to accomplish {ww.}

I accomplished
you accomplished
he/she/it accomplished

yo realicé
él/ella realizó
» meer vervoegingen van realizar

to accomplish, to achieve, to keep, to observe, to perform, to exercise, to fulfil, to meet, to execute, to abide, to abide by {ww.}
llevar a cabo

I accomplished
you accomplished
he/she/it accomplished

yo cumplí
él/ella cumplió
» meer vervoegingen van cumplir

Any activity you need to accomplish will take more time than you have.
Cualquier actividad que necesites llevar a cabo tomará más tiempo del que tienes.
I think Tom could accomplish just about anything he decides to do.
Pienso que Tom podría llevar a cabo casi cualquier cosa que decidiera hacer.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


He accomplished his mission.

Él cumplió con su misión.

They accomplished their mission.

Cumplieron su misión.

He accomplished it at last.

Él al final lo consiguió.

He finally accomplished the work.

Él finalmente concluyó el trabajo.

Tom never knew if he had accomplished it.

Tomás nunca supo si lo había logrado.

I am proud of having accomplished such a task.

Me siento orgulloso de haber logrado una tarea así.

Tom and Mary accomplished their mission without any difficulty.

Tom y Mary lograron su misión sin ninguna dificultad.

It was not clear whether they had accomplished it or not.

No se aclaró si lo consiguieron o no.

If you had helped me, I could have accomplished the work.

Si me hubieras ayudado, podría haber terminado el trabajo.

Grinding coffee beans makes me think of all the things I haven't accomplished in life.

Moler granos de café me hace pensar en todo lo que no he logrado en la vida.

I have been more than once intoxicated, my passions have always bordered on extravagance: I am not ashamed to confess it; for I have learned, by my own experience, that all extraordinary men, who have accomplished great and astonishing actions, have ever been decried by the world as drunken or insane.

Yo he estado intoxicado más de una vez, mis pasiones siempre han bordeado con la extravagancia: no estoy avergonzado de confesarlo; pues yo he aprendido, en mi propia experiencia, que todos los hombres extraordinarios que han logrado grandes y asombrosas hazañas, siempre han sido despreciados por el mundo como borrachos o locos.

Gerelateerd aan accomplished

able - competent - capable - efficient - skilled - adroit - proficient - handy - skilful - smart - adept - apt - experienced - expert - conversant