Vertaling van advise


to advise, to counsel {ww.}

I advise
you advise
we advise

yo aconsejo
nosotros aconsejamos
» meer vervoegingen van aconsejar

He knows how to advise people.
Él sabe aconsejar personas.
to inform, to report, to acquaint, to enlighten, to notify, to advise, to apprise {ww.}

I advise
you advise
we advise

yo informo
nosotros informamos
» meer vervoegingen van informar

Who should I inform?
¿A quién debería informar?
You should notify the police at once.
Deberías informar a la policía inmediatamente.
to inform, to let know, to acquaint, to announce, to apprise, to convey, to notify, to tell, to advise {ww.}
hacer saber

I advise
you advise
we advise

yo informo
nosotros informamos
» meer vervoegingen van informar

We must inform the management of what's going on.
Debemos enterar a la dirección de lo que pasa.
He had to tell his readers what happened.
Necesitaba informar a sus lectores de lo sucedido.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


I'll do as you advise.

Lo haré como me aconsejas.

I advise you to give up drinking.

Le aconsejo que deje el trago.

She didn't advise him to do it.

Ella no le aconsejó hacerlo.

He will advise you on that matter.

Él te aconsejará al respecto.

A true friend would advise you.

Un amigo de verdad te hubiera advertido.

He has no friends to advise him.

No tiene amigos que le aconsejen.

I advise you to stop smoking.

Te aconsejo que dejes de fumar.

He knows how to advise people.

Él sabe aconsejar personas.

What do you advise me to do?

¿Qué me aconsejan hacer?

Did you advise him to go to the police?

¿Le aconsejaste ir a la policía?

I advise you to listen to your doctor.

Te aconsejo que escuches a tu médico.

I advise you not to borrow money from your friends.

Te aconsejo no pedir prestado dinero de tus amigos.

I cannot advise Tom. He never listens to me.

No puedo darle consejo a Tom. Jamás me escucha.

It's the first time I advise a friend to do this.

Es la primera vez que le doy consejo así a un amigo.

I advise you to be careful in making notes for the lecture.

Te aconsejo que seas prudente en tomar nota de la clase.

Gerelateerd aan advise

counsel - inform - report - acquaint - enlighten - notify - apprise - let know - announce - convey - tell