Vertaling van affected


affected, artificial, prim, showy, stilted, unnatural {bn.}
affected, artificial, prim, showy, stilted, constrained, forced, strained {bn.}
affected, artificial, prim, showy, stilted, constrained, forced, strained {bn.}
affected, artificial, prim, showy, stilted, constrained, forced, strained {bn.}
affected, artificial, prim, showy, stilted, contrived, hokey {bn.}
affected, artificial, prim, showy, stilted, constrained, forced, strained {bn.}
affected, artificial, prim, showy, stilted, contrived, hokey {bn.}
affected, artificial, prim, showy, stilted, constrained, forced, strained {bn.}
to attitudinize, to pose, to put on airs, to feign, to affect, to dissemble, to pretend, to sham {ww.}
ser presuntuoso
darse tono
to affect, to influence, to impress, to move, to strike {ww.}

I affected
you affected
he/she/it affected

yo afecté
él/ella afectó
» meer vervoegingen van afectar

to attitudinize, to pose, to put on airs, to feign, to affect, to dissemble, to pretend, to sham {ww.}
darse tono
ser presuntuoso

I affected

to affect, to influence, to impress, to move, to strike {ww.}

I affected
you affected
he/she/it affected

yo afecté
él/ella afectó
» meer vervoegingen van afectar

to affect, to influence, to impress, to move, to strike {ww.}

I affected
you affected
he/she/it affected

yo afecté
él/ella afectó
» meer vervoegingen van afectar

to touch, to affect, to abut, to adjoin {ww.}
estar en contacto

I affected
you affected
he/she/it affected

yo toqué
él/ella tocó
» meer vervoegingen van tocar

Tom wants to get in touch with Mary.
Tom quiere estar en contacto con Mary.
Don't touch.
No tocar.
to concern, to relate, to pertain, to refer, to affect, to apply {ww.}
tener relación
It is difficult to relate to someone who has different values from you.
Es difícil relacionarse con alguien que tiene valores distintos a los tuyos.
to affect, to influence, to act, to impinge, to shape, to sway {ww.}

I affected
you affected
he/she/it affected

yo influí
él/ella influyó
» meer vervoegingen van influir

I said to Chad that you're in a position to influence people.
Le dije a Chad que está en posición de influir en la gente.
to act, to be effective, to have effect, to impact, to impinge, to work, to avail, to be efficacious, to affect {ww.}
producir efecto
ser eficaz
to affect, to influence, to impress, to move, to strike {ww.}

I affected
you affected
he/she/it affected

yo afecté
él/ella afectó
» meer vervoegingen van afectar

to move, to stir, to affect {ww.}

I affected
you affected
he/she/it affected

yo conmoví
él/ella conmovió
» meer vervoegingen van conmover

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Worry affected his health.

La preocupación le afectó a la salud.

Tom's kindness affected her.

La bondad de Tom la conmovió.

Smoking has affected his lungs.

Fumar le afectó a sus pulmones.

The climate affected his health.

El clima afectó su salud.

Smoking has affected his health.

Fumar le ha afectado su salud.

The pain had affected his senses.

El dolor le había afectado los sentidos.

Some plants are quickly affected by cold.

A algunas plantas les afecta enseguida el frío.

I was affected by the heat.

El calor me afectó.

The recent events have affected him deeply.

Los acontecimientos recientes le han afectado profundamente.

The strike affected the nation's economy.

La huelga ha afectado a la economía nacional.

Our character is affected by the environment.

Nuestro carácter se ve afectado por el entorno.

His unhappy childhood affected his outlook on life.

Su infancia infeliz afectó a su visión de la vida.

Generally speaking, nobles were only very slightly affected by taxes.

Generalizando, los nobles solo fueron afectados levemente por los impuestos.

The story of his brave struggle affected us deeply.

La historia de su valiente lucha nos conmovió profundamente.

Most creatures in the sea are affected by pollution.

La mayoría de las criaturas en el mar son afectadas por la contaminación.

Gerelateerd aan affected

artificial - prim - showy - stilted - unnatural - constrained - forced - strained - contrived - hokey - attitudinize - pose - put on airs - feign - affectaffected