Vertaling van afford


to abide, to bear, to carry out, to endure, to put up with, to suffer, to stand, to carry away, to afford {ww.}
aguantar hasta el fin
to give, to accord, to administer, to grant, to impart, to provide, to confer, to allow, to yield, to spare, to afford {ww.}

I afford
you afford
we afford

yo doy
nosotros damos
» meer vervoegingen van dar

Can you give me some money?
¿Me puede dar dinero?
I've nothing to give.
No tengo nada para dar.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


She can't afford it.

Ella no se lo puede permitir.

Tom can't afford it.

Tom no lo puede costear.

He cannot afford to marry.

No puede permitirse casarse.

Everyone can't afford a car.

No todo el mundo puede tener coche.

I can't afford a car.

No puedo permitirme un coche.

I can't afford to buy it.

No puedo permitirme comprármelo.

Can you afford the time for it?

¿Dispones del tiempo necesario para ello?

I can't afford a new car.

No me puedo costear un auto nuevo.

I can't afford to buy that.

No me alcanza comprar eso.

Can we afford a new car?

¿Podemos comprarnos un coche nuevo?

Jack can't afford a new bicycle.

Jack no se puede costear una bicicleta nueva.

I can't really afford the rent.

Yo en realidad no puedo costearme la renta.

It's a luxury we can't afford.

Es un lujo que no nos podemos permitir.

Tom can't afford that kind of computer.

Tom no puede permitirse ese tipo de ordenador.

At last we can afford a house.

Por fin, nos alcanza comprar una casa.

Gerelateerd aan afford

abide - bear - carry out - endure - put up with - suffer - stand - carry away - give - accord - administer - grant - impart - provide - confer