Vertaling van against


across from, against, in exchange for, opposed to, versus, with, opposite {vz.}
frente a

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


I'm against the marriage.

Estoy en contra del matrimonio.

It's against the rules.

Eso va contra las reglas.

He's against the facts.

Se opone a los hechos.

I contended against falsehood.

Luché contra la falsedad.

I'm against the war.

Estoy en contra de la guerra.

That's against the contract.

Eso esta contra el contrato.

He's biased against Christianity.

Tiene un prejuicio en contra del cristianismo.

Tom testified against Mary.

Tom testificó en contra de Mary.

They rose against oppression.

Se levantaron en contra de la opresión.

She testified against him.

Ella testificó en su contra.

They turned against Germany.

Ellos se pusieron en contra de Alemania.

I'm against the bill.

Estoy en contra de este proyecto de ley.

I'm against that resolution.

Yo estoy contra esa resolución.

Her animadversion against science.

Su animadversión contra la ciencia.

Tom is against smoking.

Tom está en contra de fumar.

Gerelateerd aan against

across from - in exchange for - opposed to - versus - with - opposite