Vertaling van alarm


alarm, alert {zn.}
alarma [v] (la ~)
Tom heard the alarm.
Tom escuchó la alarma.
Sound the alarm!
¡Toca la alarma!
to appal, to dismay, to puzzle, to alarm, to dumbfound, to stun, to stupefy, to disconcert, to startle, to stagger, to take aback, to astound {ww.}

I alarm
you alarm
we alarm

yo consterno
nosotros consternamos
» meer vervoegingen van consternar

to agitate, to alarm, to disturb, to perturb, to ruffle, to trouble, to unsettle, to upset, to worry {ww.}

I alarm
you alarm
we alarm

yo preocupo
nosotros preocupamos
» meer vervoegingen van preocupar

I didn't want to worry Tom.
No quise preocupar a Tom.
Tom began to worry about how he was going to pay for his son's education.
Tom se empezó a preocupar acerca de cómo iba a pagar la educación de su hijo.
reveille, alarm {zn.}
diana [v] (la ~)
alarmclock, alarm {zn.}
despertador [m] (el ~)
The alarm went off.
El despertador sonó.
The alarm clock is ringing.
El despertador está sonando.
fear, apprehension, fright, trepidation, alarm {zn.}
miedo [m] (el ~)
temor [m] (el ~)
Fear prevails.
El miedo prevalece.
Fear is a great motivator.
El temor es un gran motivador.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Tom heard the alarm.

Tom escuchó la alarma.

The fire alarm rang.

Sonó la alarma de incendios.

The alarm went off.

El despertador sonó.

Sound the alarm!

¡Toca la alarma!

The alarm sounded.

La alarma sonó.

The fire alarm sounded.

Sonó la alarma de incendios.

Turn off the alarm.

Apaga la alarma.

The alarm clock is ringing.

El despertador está sonando.

Mayuko jumped up in alarm.

Mayuko saltó alarmada.

It was a false alarm.

Era una falsa alarma.

I did not want to alarm you.

No quise alarmarte.

The prisoners gave a false alarm.

Los convictos iniciaron una falsa alarma.

I didn't want to alarm you.

No quise asustarte.

Tom forgot to set his alarm clock.

A Tom se le olvidó ajustar su reloj despertador.

The news caused alarm throughout the village.

La noticia causo alerta a lo largo de la villa.

Gerelateerd aan alarm

alert - appal - dismay - puzzle - dumbfound - stun - stupefy - disconcert - startle - stagger - take aback - astound - agitate - disturb - perturb