Vertaling van apart


apart, particular, separate, special, distinct, distinctive, own, aloof {bn.}
apart, separately, especially, particularly {bw.}
por separado

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


They live apart.

Ellos viven separados.

It came apart.

Se quebró.

I sat apart from them.

Me senté alejado de ellos.

You can't tell these twins apart.

No puedes distinguir a estos gemelos.

Apart from his heel, Achilles was invulnerable.

Su talón aparte, Aquiles era invulnerable.

He lives apart from his parents.

Él vive separado de sus padres.

The trees are planted three meters apart.

Los árboles están plantados cada tres metros.

The boy took the radio apart.

El niño desarmó la radio.

He is living apart from his wife.

Vive separado de su mujer.

Can you tell silver and tin apart?

¿Sabes cuál es la diferencia entre plata y estaño?

There's nothing that can keep us apart.

No hay nada que nos pueda separar.

Apart from a few minor mistakes, your composition was excellent.

Quitando unos poco errores leves, tu redacción fue excelente.

It is sometimes difficult to tell twins apart.

A veces es difícil distinguir a los gemelos.

We can't tell her and her younger sister apart.

No podemos distinguirla de su hermana menor.

He couldn't bear to be apart from her.

No aguantaba estar separado de ella.

Gerelateerd aan apart

particular - separate - special - distinct - distinctive - own - aloof - separately - especially - particularly