Vertaling van appreciate


to appreciate, to value, to appraise {ww.}

I appreciate
you appreciate
we appreciate

yo aprecio
nosotros apreciamos
» meer vervoegingen van apreciar

He learned to appreciate literature.
Él aprendió a apreciar la literatura.
To appreciate her beauty, you have only to look at her.
Para apreciar su belleza, sólo tienes que mirarla.
to appreciate, to like, to enjoy, to fancy, to love, to think highly of, to prize, to think well of, to have a high regard for {ww.}

I appreciate
you appreciate
we appreciate

yo aprecio
nosotros apreciamos
» meer vervoegingen van apreciar

You can't appreciate the flies in all their glory.
Ustedes no saben apreciar a las moscas en todo su esplendor.
He couldn't appreciate the joke of the arrogant girls, so he took revenge.
Él no supo apreciar la broma de las muchachas arrogantes, así que tomó venganza.
to esteem, to think well of, to prize, to value, to think highly of, to appreciate {ww.}

I appreciate
you appreciate
we appreciate

yo aprecio
nosotros apreciamos
» meer vervoegingen van apreciar

to realize, to understand, to appreciate, to apprehend, to catch, to comprehend, to see {ww.}

I appreciate
you appreciate
we appreciate

yo entiendo
nosotros entendemos
» meer vervoegingen van entender

I cannot understand it.
No lo puedo comprender.
You can understand Swedish.
Puedes entender el sueco.
to be aware of, to be conscious of, to realize, to see, to appreciate {ww.}
ser consciente
tener conciencia de

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


I really appreciate it.

De verdad lo aprecio.

He doesn't appreciate favors.

No agradece los beneficios.

I appreciate your help.

Yo aprecio tu ayuda.

I appreciate your concern.

Aprecio tu interés.

We appreciate your help.

Apreciamos su ayuda.

I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Gracias por tu consideración.

I appreciate your kindness.

Aprecio su amabilidad.

They appreciate my effort.

Ellos aprecian mi esfuerzo.

We appreciate his talent.

Apreciamos su talento.

He learned to appreciate literature.

Él aprendió a apreciar la literatura.

I greatly appreciate your kindness.

Agradezco mucho su amabilidad.

I appreciate how you feel.

Comprendo cómo te sientes.

I greatly appreciate your advice.

Aprecio mucho su consejo.

I would appreciate hearing from you soon.

Apreciaría oír de ti pronto.

I appreciate what you've done for me.

Aprecio lo que hiciste por mí.