Vertaling van at the back


at the back, back {bw.}
al dorso
at the back, behind, in the rear {bw.}
en pos
to lean, to support, to sustain, to bolster, to buttress, to prop, to underpin, to rest, to back, to back up {ww.}

I back
you back
we back

yo apoyo
nosotros apoyamos
» meer vervoegingen van apoyar

Let us support participatory practices.
Vamos a apoyar las prácticas participativas.
Anyone can offend an artist's sensibilities, but no one seems to wish to support artists financially.
Alguien puede ofender las sensibilidades de un artista, pero nadie parece querer apoyar financieramente a los artistas.
to support, to sustain, to countenance, to espouse, to maintain, to uphold, to second, to back, to stand by, to back up {ww.}

I back
you back
we back

yo sostengo
nosotros sostenemos
» meer vervoegingen van sostener

He had a large family to support.
Él tenía una gran familia que sostener.
His income is too small to support his family.
Sus ingresos son muy pequeños para sostener a su familia.
to cover, to overlay, to lag, to plate, to protect, to face, to coat, to back {ww.}

I back
you back
we back

yo enfundo
nosotros enfundamos
» meer vervoegingen van enfundar

to protect, to cover, to back {ww.}

I back
you back
we back

yo protejo
nosotros protegemos
» meer vervoegingen van proteger

I want to protect Tom.
Quiero proteger a Tom.
We must protect the children.
Debemos proteger a los niños.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


There is a garden at the back of our house.

Hay un jardín detrás de nuestra casa.

He has eyes at the back of his head.

Él tiene ojos en el cogote.

There is a church at the back of my house.

Hay una iglesia detrás de mi casa.

There is a garden at the back of my house.

Detrás de mi casa hay un jardín.

Feeling the house shake, I ran out into the yard at the back of the house.

Sintiendo la casa sacudirse, yo salí corriendo al patio en la parte trasera de la casa.

The man who she knew was wanted by the police suddenly appeared at the back door.

El hombre que ella sabía estaba buscado por la policía apareció de repente por la puerta de atrás.

Turn the volume up so that the students at the back can hear.

Sube el volumen para que los estudiantes de atrás puedan oír.

Gerelateerd aan at the back

back - behind - in the rear - lean - support - sustain - bolster - buttress - prop - underpin - rest - back up - countenance - espouse - maintain