Vertaling van be born


to arise, to be born, to originate {ww.}
To be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth.
Nacer entre pañales de seda.
In my next life I want to be born as a deadly virus.
En mi vida siguiente quiero nacer como un virus mortal.
to abide, to endure, to bear, to cope, to stand, to withstand {ww.}
aguantar hasta el fin
to bear, to give birth to {ww.}
dar a luz

I have borne; born
you have borne; born
he/she/it has borne; born

yo he parido
has parido
él/ella ha parido
» meer vervoegingen van parir

to abide, to bear, to carry out, to endure, to put up with, to suffer, to stand, to carry away, to afford {ww.}
aguantar hasta el fin
to carry, to wear, to bear, to wash {ww.}

I have borne; born
you have borne; born
he/she/it has borne; born

yo he llevado
has llevado
él/ella ha llevado
» meer vervoegingen van llevar

I like to wear clogs.
Me gusta llevar zuecos.
It's forbidden to carry arms.
Se prohíbe llevar armas.
to bear, to produce, to yield {ww.}

I have borne; born
you have borne; born
he/she/it has borne; born

yo he producido
has producido
él/ella ha producido
» meer vervoegingen van producir

Through genetic engineering, corn can produce its own pesticides.
Mediante la ingeniería genética, el maíz puede producir sus propios pesticidas.
I can produce several pieces a day if I'm lucky.
Si todo anda bien, puedo producir un par de piezas al día.
to abide, to bear, to endure, to put up with, to suffer, to sustain, to ail {ww.}

I have borne; born
you have borne; born
he/she/it has borne; born

yo he sufrido
has sufrido
él/ella ha sufrido
» meer vervoegingen van sufrir

You'll suffer because of that.
Va a sufrir por esto.
You will suffer because of that.
Va a sufrir por esto.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Our baby will be born someday soon.

Algún día pronto nacerá nuestro bebé.

To be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth.

Nacer entre pañales de seda.

In my next life I want to be born as a deadly virus.

En mi vida siguiente quiero nacer como un virus mortal.

If I were to be born again, I would be a musician.

Si volviera a nacer otra vez, sería músico.

Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen.

La vida sería infinitamente más feliz si pudiéramos nacer a la edad de ochenta años y gradualmente llegar a los dieciocho.

When I was inside my mother's womb, I looked through my mother's navel at the house where I would be born and I thought: "No way I'm going there".

Cuando estaba en el útero de mi madre, miraba a través de su ombligo la casa en la nacería y pensaba: "No iré ahí bajo ningún caso."

If you are not one of them, then you're nothing to them and in order to be one of them you got to be born in their land and look like them and even think like them. As long as you are different, they will hate you for no reason. They are racists.

Si no eres uno de ellos, entonces no eres nada para ellos y para llegar a ser uno de ellos necesitas haber nacido en su tierra y verte como ellos e inclusive pensar como ellos. Mientras seas diferente, te odiarán sin razón. Son racistas.

Gerelateerd aan be born

arise - originate - abide - endure - bear - cope - stand - withstand - give birth to - carry out - put up with - suffer - carry away - afford - carry