Vertaling van be successful


to be successful, to prosper, to flourish, to thrive {ww.}

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


We all want Tom to be successful.

Todos queremos que Tom tenga éxito.

To be successful, you have to establish a good plan.

Para ser exitoso, debes fijarte un buen plan.

Tom has what it takes to be successful.

Tom tiene lo que se necesita para ser exitoso.

Do you want to know if your marriage will be successful?

¿Quieres saber si tu matrimonio tendrá éxito?

I was feeling guilty in the beginning; it was frustrating to be successful when a lot of my friends weren’t.

Al comienzo me sentía culpable; era frustrante tener éxito mientras que muchos de mis amigos no.

It is generally accepted that a person cannot be successful in life without a lot of hard work.

Es algo aceptado de forma general que no se puede ser exitoso en la vida sin mucho trabajo duro.

Gerelateerd aan be successful

prosper - flourish - thrive