Vertaling van bog


toilet, lavatory, loo, bog, WC, privy {zn.}
retrete [m] (el ~)
excusado [m] (el ~)
Tom asked Mary to scrub the toilet.
Tom le pidió a Mary que refregara el retrete.
Whatever you do don't leave the lid up on the toilet!
¡Hagas lo que hagas, no dejes la tapa del retrete abierta!
marsh, swamp, bog, wetland, fen, marshland, morass, quag, quagmire, slough {zn.}
pantano [m] (el ~)
charca [v] (la ~)
The plague came from the swamp.
La peste vino del pantano.
Lots of herons live in the marsh.
Muchas garzas viven en el pantano.

Gerelateerd aan bog

toilet - lavatory - loo - WC - privy - marsh - swamp - wetland - fen - marshland - morass - quag - quagmire - slough