Vertaling van burning


ablaze, ardent, afire, aflame, aglow, burning {bn.}
afire, burning, ablaze, alight {bn.}
to glow, to glow with heat, to burn, to be ardent {ww.}

I was burning
you were burning
he/she/it was burning

yo ardía
él/ella ardía
» meer vervoegingen van arder

With these eyes, I shall see mountains burn.
Con estos ojos, veré arder a las montañas.
The pastor said Tom's going to burn in hell.
El pastor dijo que Tom iba a arder en el infierno.
to burn, to sear, to strike {ww.}

I was burning
you were burning
he/she/it was burning

yo quemaba
él/ella quemaba
» meer vervoegingen van quemar

They can burn more easily.
Esos se pueden quemar con más facilidad.
You cannot burn anything without oxygen.
No se puede quemar nada sin oxígeno.
to burn, to be on fire, to sting {ww.}

I was burning
you were burning
he/she/it was burning

yo ardía
él/ella ardía
» meer vervoegingen van arder

The bar was so smoky that my eyes started to sting.
El bar estaba tan lleno de humo que los ojos me empezaron a arder.
Men of genius are meteors destined to burn in order to illuminate their century.
Los genios son meteoros destinados a quemarse para iluminar su siglo.
to incinerate, to burn {ww.}

I was burning
you were burning
he/she/it was burning

yo incineraba
él/ella incineraba
» meer vervoegingen van incinerar

to calcine, to burn {ww.}

I was burning
you were burning
he/she/it was burning

yo calcinaba
él/ella calcinaba
» meer vervoegingen van calcinar

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


Something's burning.

Algo se está quemando.

I think something's burning.

Creo que algo se está quemando.

I smell something burning.

Huelo algo quemándose.

The house is burning.

La casa está en llamas.

The bush is burning.

El arbusto se está quemando.

The forest is burning.

El bosque se está quemando.

The houses are burning.

Las casas se están quemando.

The house is burning!

¡La casa se está incendiando!

Look! The book is burning.

¡Mirad! El libro está ardiendo.

The campfire is still burning.

La fogata sigue encendida.

She was burning with fever.

Ella estaba ardiendo de fiebre.

Bridges are burning and chances are few.

Se han quemado las naves y las posibilidades son escasas.

She is probably burning in hell.

Ella debe estar ardiendo en el infierno.

He was burning to go home.

Estaba deseando irse a casa.

The lion jumped through the burning ring.

El león saltó a través del aro de fuego.

Gerelateerd aan burning

ablaze - ardent - afire - aflame - aglow - alight - glow - glow with heat - burn - be ardent - sear - strike - be on fire - sting - incinerate