Vertaling van choke


to choke, to quell, to suffocate, to suppress, to stifle {ww.}

I choke
you choke
we choke

yo ahogo
nosotros ahogamos
» meer vervoegingen van ahogar

I thought I was going to suffocate on the crowded train.
Yo pensé que me iba a sofocar en el tren lleno de gente.
She tried to stifle a sneeze during the concert but she couldn't hold it back.
Ella trató de ahogar un estornudo durante el concierto, pero no pudo contenerlo.
choke {zn.}
cierre del aire
to block, to clog, to stop up, to choke, to congest, to fill, to plug, to stuff, to tamp, to stop, to stopper {ww.}

I choke
you choke
we choke

yo tapo
nosotros tapamos
» meer vervoegingen van tapar

Let's plug up the hole.
Vamos a tapar el hoyo.
I put my fingers in my ears to block out the terrible sounds.
Me metí los dedos en las orejas para tapar esos ruidos terribles.
to hamper, to impede, to obstruct, to stand in the way, to choke, to congest, to stymie, to stonewall, to balk {ww.}

I choke
you choke
we choke

yo obstruyo
nosotros obstruimos
» meer vervoegingen van obstruir

Gerelateerd aan choke

quell - suffocate - suppress - stifle - block - clog - stop up - congest - fill - plug - stuff - tamp - stop - stopper - hamper