Vertaling van clothing


clothes, clothing, apparel, garb, array, attire {eigenn.}
to clothe, to dress, to fit, to suit, to array, to attire {ww.}

I was clothing
you were clothing
he/she/it was clothing

yo vestía
él/ella vestía
» meer vervoegingen van vestir

One should dress oneself well.
Uno se debería vestir bien.
She likes to dress in an old-fashioned way.
Le gusta vestir a la antigua.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


I sell clothing online.

Vendo ropa por Internet.

They took food and clothing.

Ellos tomaron comida y vestiduras.

I made this clothing myself.

Yo misma hice esta prenda.

There is nothing here but clothing.

No hay más que ropa aquí.

He is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Él es un lobo con piel de cordero.

What's your favorite item of clothing?

¿Cuál es tu prenda de vestir favorita?

This room has two closets for clothing.

Esta habitación tiene dos armarios para la ropa.

Is there a clothing store near here?

¿Hay una tienda de ropa por aquí?

Some politicians are wolves in sheep's clothing.

Algunos políticos esconden las garras.

You are a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Eres un lobo con piel de cordero.

You'll catch cold in such thin clothing.

Vas a resfriarte con ese vestido tan ligero.

His face was pale and his clothing humble.

Su rostro era pálido y sus ropas humildes.

She provided the traveler with food and clothing.

Ella proveyó al viajero de alimento y ropa.

Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.

Los niños dependen de los padres para alimentarse y vestirse.

He provided the boys with food, clothing and shoes.

Él proporcionó a los niños comida, ropa y zapatos.

Gerelateerd aan clothing

clothes - apparel - garb - array - attire - clothe - dress - fit - suit