Vertaling van communicate


to communicate, to report, to impart, to put across, to get across {ww.}

I communicate
you communicate
we communicate

yo comunico
nosotros comunicamos
» meer vervoegingen van comunicar

They couldn't communicate their ideas to men.
No podían comunicar sus ideas a hombres.
Ted was finally able to communicate his thoughts in Japanese.
Ted finalmente logró comunicar sus pensamientos en japonés.

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


We use words to communicate.

Usamos palabras para comunicarnos.

We use words in order to communicate.

Usamos palabras para comunicarnos.

Pilots communicate with the airport by radio.

Los pilotos se comunican con el aeropuerto por radio.

They can communicate using hand signs.

Pueden comunicarse haciendo señas con las manos.

How do babies communicate with their parents?

¿Cómo se comunican los bebés con sus padres?

They communicate with each other by mail.

Ellos se comunican mutuamente por correo.

They couldn't communicate their ideas to men.

No podían comunicar sus ideas a hombres.

We communicate by means of language.

Nos comunicamos por medio del lenguaje.

Human beings communicate with each other by means of language.

Los humanos se comunican entre ellos a través del lenguaje.

Ted was finally able to communicate his thoughts in Japanese.

Ted finalmente logró comunicar sus pensamientos en japonés.

They communicate with each other often by mail.

Se comunican entre sí a menudo por correo.

I communicate with my friends on the internet.

Me comunico con mis amigos por Internet.

Japanese people exchange gifts in order to communicate.

Los japoneses intercambian regalos para comunicarse.

Studying how to communicate effectively is time well spent.

Estudiar como comunicarse de manera efectiva es tiempo bien ocupado.

Deaf-mute people can use sign language to communicate.

La gente sordomuda puede comunicarse mediante la lengua de signos.

Gerelateerd aan communicate

report - impart - put across - get across