Vertaling van completely


completely, fully, thoroughly, wholly {bw.}
completely, entirely, through, from A to Z {bw.}

Voorbeelden in zinsverband


I'm completely naked.

Estoy completamente desnudo.

I trust him completely.

Confío plenamente en él.

They were completely surprised.

Estaban absolutamente sorprendidos.

It's completely normal.

Es totalmente normal.

You trust him completely.

Tú confías por completo en él.

She's completely crazy.

Está completamente loca.

You're completely healthy.

Estás completamente saludable.

It's completely irrational.

Es absolutamente irracional.

You're completely right.

Tienes toda la razón.

I'm completely exhausted.

Estoy totalmente exhausto.

He was completely honest.

Él era completamente honesto.

She ignores him completely.

Ella lo ignora por completo.

Tom understood it completely.

Tom lo entendió completamente.

I forgot her completely.

La olvidé completamente.

Tom is completely nuts.

Tom está completamente loco.

Gerelateerd aan completely

fully - thoroughly - wholly - entirely - through - from A to Z